Tuesday, March 14, 2006

the things that seriously bug me.

picture a tertiary student pass..
then picture this on the tertiary student pass

ok.. destroy that horrid image from your head. the picture looks grotesquely stunted.

the enrolment process is hell.. so many things to take care of.. so much money is involved.. i regret not going to a jc.. and since my dad's retiring the end of this month, we must really go on a save-all-you-can regime..
and i'll be paying $112.30 for my school fees. and since i hate the fact of having to work my pants off in ntuc for the measly $500 a month, i'll either have to work till the end (its only 20+more days to go) or quit and start looking for a better paying job.
but no idiot is going to hire me for less than a month.
was talking to sis about how i should take up a job as a private tutor when school reopens.. haha..
as if the parents will want to hire me.. their kids will end up dead by the week before PSLE..
anyway, i should realllly start looking for a job... soon?

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