Tuesday, June 16, 2009

Character Stats are Us

Val at Nineteen
Fat Human Female, 19 years old
Level 1 Communications Graduate (Nerd Class)

Alignment: Lawful Good
Attacks: One Silent Clap
Damage: +8 (effective on young humans)
Abilities: Int 13, Cha 14, Dex 15, Str 12, Con 11, Wis 12

Skills: Run +15, Spreadsheet Handling +10, Walk +22, Social Networking +13, Teach +10, Knowledge (Gobbledygook)+25, Perform (Music)+20, Diplomacy +9, Cook (Fish)+10, Cook (Soup)+5, Research+18, Dance+10

Talents: Knowledge (Spelling), Craft (Music), Stopping Bladders of Ten year olds, Scaring Children and Adults, Excel Spreadsheets, Ingesting, Running in Slow Motion

Being 19 in a Nutshell:
- Slogged guts out during internship
- Lost weight
- Slaved away for a nice piece of paper
- Collected abovementioned nice piece of paper
- Found a job
- Made 500 new friends at new job
- Gained weight
- Completed distance equal to a full marathon over six months
- Found good looking craft mentor (Not gonna state obvious)
- Loved new job
- Read some books
- New job not so new now

Okay so it sucked for the first half, well at least it turned out all right in the end.
I really don't want to turn 20.
20 is old. :(