Tuesday, March 28, 2006

1.42am.. just came home from work.. =D
stock taking was fun.. haha.. counted chocolates, shavers, toothbrushes, batteries and (guess what) condoms!
this is the first time i can finally read the contents at the back of the box without feeling guilty of whatever.. haha.. 'Please use the condom once only', 'Condoms are electronically tested'
what the?
hahahaa.. and have u heard of this thing called the vibrating condom? haha..
ok.. enough of the condoms.. had supper at mac with carmen, jiahui and weini.. teased the guy working there (we gave him the GEMS thank you card and made him do the same the next time he goes to ntuc.. and i have officially changed weini's number to 999- dun kill me ah... heh..)
my stomach is bloated with my undigested big mac meal, and this is the last time i'm ever going to have supper this late..
weini left with her friend for supper take two and the three of us decided to have some fun with the camera.. WAHAHAHA..
yes.. i admit.. i have been zi lian-ing with carmen's camera.. and we did our 'loner' shots in the middle of the road.. its so fun cos there are no cars out.. will post the photos once carmen has it uploaded..
one hell of a day spent..
will be reporting back to work in 6 hours time..

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