Sunday, February 12, 2006

thanks bibi!
refers to the post in her blog dedicated to me.. [ hugs&kisses! ]

i think i've made the final decision. mass comm in tp it is... i think..
np is just.... so tempting can..
went to work.. yada yada.. then off to meet gfs for dinner at bugis. bought a shirt from giordano.. spent some more money and officially proclaimed myself broke.. for the month.
so damn bored.
blog hopped, friendstered and msn-ed few hours ago.
still so bored. anyway i showed my sis the yearbook and pointed to her this guy i thought was cute.
she thinks he looks like a nerd.
great. now i have taste for nerds..
geekdom, here i come!
valentines day will be a total bore, considering the fact that i'll either be covering up for the girls at work (who happened to have dates) or sleeping the day away.
life is so boring can. huijoo's gonna ask if i have a bf on v day... but i guess she already knows the answer. who knows? i may die without a single bf all my life. *shudders at thought*
hell. what are girlfriends for?


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