Thursday, October 26, 2006

it must be some sort of a split personality thing i have going on in me.
my mood swings are driving everyone (including me) up the wall. gah.
slept through tutorials today. played neopets, chess (i beat the computer, TWICE), got into a heated debate over the meaning of life with my lovely lecturer (who claims he is actually a very, very clever guy) after class.
well, the thing about men who claim that they're clever?
they can be complete idiots sometimes.
went to vivo city with chiou and ah pui.. saw the loveliest fred perry polo tee and *hem* a pull and bear jacket.

love the shirt, whooo~
have been schooling and working my pants off the entire week. bloody tiring.

Another Random List I Made Up In The Middle Of The Night
1. The world was never ruled by politicians. It was ruled by manipulators.
2. Nice people are invisible. Say "Thank you." to the next person who opens the door for you, if you please.
4. If you believed Satan exists, then God must be there too. So stop denying it you neh neh.
5. Fat people are sexy too. (eg. Valerie)
6. I don't really talk to the people i don't quite like. Then again, i'm not the best conversationalist around. I'm a shy and reserved girl, you know? (:
7. Humans are never happy with the things they have in life. They want everything to be better.
8. My lecturer claims that ghosts do exist even though he has never seen one in his life.
9. I can win you in chess. (If you're my iBook)
10. Valerie talks cock most of the time. Especially at 1.26AM on the school night.

It was a dark and stormy night...

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