Wednesday, October 04, 2006

20 hours away from 'NPS Music Camp'. i can't believe i'm actually going for it, considering the fact i haven't turned up for most of the practices. LOL.. ah heck..
oh, and i know only 2-3 people out of what, 50-100 people there. gah, why did i get myself into this anyway..
we're going to get so dirty, i'm starting to get worried about if i've packed enough underwear.
then again, i haven't packed. so what the hell. (:
have been rotting at home (again), going jogging at the not-so-wee-hours with cailing (we ended up junking, so its not considered as losing weight), going to rollerblade with cailing..
fell down thrice yesterday. the first time because a butterfly tried to attack me (i screamed and tried to dodge that darn thing, and landed on my poor, poor knees), the second because i tripped over my own feet, and the third because i went too fast while trying to do several crossover turns (that what u call it?) in 5 seconds. heh.
that stupid butterfly made me bleed la can? gah.
darn eyelid's swollen. ARGH! i hate it when something happens to my eye (or eyelids, for that matter), simply because my eye's the only decent looking thing i have on myself. the last time i go bitten by a $%^&*( mozzie on my eyelid, i screamed and refused to go to school.
heh. i know, i can be such a vainpot. (:

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