Saturday, March 10, 2007

Teh Adventure At Teh IT Fair Continues...

CEO guy came back. :D
i managed to kajiao him until he bought a PINK nano. For himself.
"Buy PINK lah. Happening leh!"
*evil cackles*
i've been trying to psycho all my male customers to get a pink iPod ever since.
Sales improved. Mel and I are (hopefully) taking the world of iPod by storm. *coughs*:D
tomorrow will be teh last day of the IT fair. Marks the end of repeating the word "iPod" a kazillion times, promoting the iPod like how vacuum cleaner salemen talk to middle-aged women and *OMGYES!* of course, the end of the constant diao-ing from some *coughidioticcough* person.
and yes, we've been out of touch with the world for three days.
at least we've got free (and great) food & company, and are getting paid.

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