Monday, February 26, 2007

Pixielicious :D

spent the entire of yesterday at our dear pixie's house. only a handful of 107's turned up. played mahjong, cards and the usual truth or dare (this time with more dares).
fiona kinda gave a blow by blow account of the dares on her blog, but heck, i'm going to type them down for the record. :)

the cards love ira. she was on the receiving end of almost all the dares (since we can't get any more truths out from her).

Dares (SAHIRA)
1. calling Brian and telling him she misses him.
Brian: HAH?!
(as usual)

2. calling Airell and asking him if he knows Brian likes her.
Airell: WTF? KNNBCCB, WTF, idunnoidunnoidunnoidunno, *insert come more crude expressions* idunno (x5)
(continuation: Val calling Airell and asking him what did he do to Ira that made her cry. yes, i know. we are evil. *cackles*)
3. kissing Chiouhuey on the cheek
4. I can't remember what else was there.

And well, i was basically dared to call up our dearly beloved *cough* JiaHao and KaiWen.
Dares (VAL)
1. calling JiaHao and telling him i missed him.
JiaHao: (I can't remember what he said, but i think it was along the "WTF, etc" line). I ended up spoiling the entire thing by telling him it's a dare.
so they made me do a second dare by making me call his gay counterpart.
2. calling KaiWen and asking him to go on a solo date with me (JH, it was a dare so don't kill me. i didn't mean to temporarily steal KW from you)
KaiWen: HUH? (x3) oh, but i'm at a friend's house so i can't go out with you today. Some other day lah.

yeah, and basically, we got very high and dared Melody to call KaiWen.

Dare (MEL)
1. calling KaiWen and telling him that she doesn't feel very comfortable with the both of us (VAL+KW) going out, and inviting herself to the outing. It was supposed to be some lesbo thing going on between Mel and me, but i have no idea how it ended up with the both of them (MEL+KW) planning to go out the very next day at 4am. with wine and with a KW-sponsored cab.

Chiouhuey, Fiona and Peggy didn't kena anything. i think. *SHAT* lol. :)

we had lots of fun, really. the rest of u should have came. thanks to fiona for lending us your house. :D

met Christine in the morning at ecp today! bladed (love the new wheels, abec7, way to go! :D), ate, crapped, and met up with Dory at Giant.
my rollerblades have never failed to die (in a way) throughout my entire quarter life (i swear, this is the third pair that broke/cracked/melted). i broke the effing strap. on the FIRST day. so much for a ninety-eight bucks pair.
then again, i may possess the strength of a bull. (it's in the genes. my sister's strong for her size too!) :D
thank god the straps were kind of useless anyway, so i can still live without them. :D
spent the rest of the day with DORYkohmei :D
she hit my head 4 times today, and that's a grand total of eleven times for the past few days.
the beetles just don't like me, eh? (she hits me everytime she sees a volkswagon beetle).
darn. i should bring along a picture of the car everytime i go out with her or something.

TP-ians. i'm waiting for all of us to go out okay! :D

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