Wednesday, November 30, 2005

i've finally figured out how to transfer files from my phone to the computer.
FINALLY. look.. i know i'm bad at this, but i've succeeded! haha..

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my mum, taken right on the spot at the M1 roadshow

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christine took this.. we were at taka.. COOKIE MONSTER! hahah..

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chicken little movie poster i took at marina when we were out hunting for jobs..

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my parents! =)

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me and leelin, taken today at marina.. haha..


ok... went out today with leelin, weiyi, andy and fred. weird combi.. but quite fun lar.. haha.. watched just like heaven. highly recommended.. super touching romantic comedy..
arcade-ed the entire day. first at plaza sing then later on at marina. fred disappeared. haha..
play play play.. played the whole day lar.. haha.. then watch the guys bowl.. then had dinner at kfc.. freezed out butts off and chatted for a while.. went home..
watch wu chu cai hong.. heh..
summary of the day spent.

went swimming with my mum yesterday.. didn't really get an awesome tan. it was cloudy and my mum DIDN'T want a tan. geez.. haha..

ok. the holidays are getting boring. going for the job interview on thursday...
wish me luck!

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