Monday, October 06, 2008

Me and my geetar.

So here I am,
playing The Beatles over and over,
on my third-hand, plywood classical guitar. In the middle of the night.

Well, not exactly middle of the night...

But I'm so happy. :)

Four weeks into attachment,
a dozen or so new faces and names to remember,
a few handful of new additions to the wardrobe,
and a friendship forged with Mr. Refrigerator.

Haven't been updating much, my English is deteriorating at the speed of light (Omg, so clicheish. So disgusted at myself). And I was plain lazy to update (no printjourn-related complaints and news angle for blog posts lah).

Working in an office is so mundane, my hair stands when the thought of doing that for the rest of my life strikes.

Okay, can't think anymore. I'm dead beat.

"Blackbird singing in the dead of night..."

1 comment:

Dj Z said...
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