Wednesday, December 26, 2007

2007, I bid thee farewell.

Christmas has come and gone.
I have an inkling that there won't be any more updates till 2008, due to my [clears throat] "academic commitments".


Oh well, time for the good old resolutions that I never keep.

1. Lose weight
Like duh. It's been on the list since dinosaurs roamed.
2. Play "Last Christmas" like Kotaro Oshio a pro. HAHAHAHAHA
3. Drink more water.
4. Go to church?

Number four is... well, I don't know. I haven't been to a church for quite some time. Let's just leave it to God.

Truth to be told, 2007 has been a boring year. Nothing out of the ordinary, no emotional turmoils (okay, maybe close to having none of those), and nothing gratifying.
"God, please make 2008 a better year ahead."
Then again, who am I to complain? We're all alive and well.
Beggars can't be choosers.
I'd ask for world peace, but I'm not in a beauty pageant (okay, quit sniggering. I can hear you all. you know the others won't stand a chance against yours truly)


2008 will be good. It'll be like Frans' 'New Perfect Day'.

And no, I'm not emotional today. I'm just sad because I haven't been able to catch any fish with my new fishing rod.
It must be a sign or something.

Till then, adieu!

Chovale, 2007

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