Tuesday, July 04, 2006


My ex doesn't exist.

Maybe I should learn to sleep with my eyes open.

I don't understand why a tiny butterfly can scare the hell out of me.

I lose my temper on rare occasions. (they can get really bad sometimes..)

People say Mass Commers are idiots. i agree.

Love is all around.

Somewhere, someone is eating mee goreng

I will always be fat.

Forever love.

I never want to die without first telling the entire world how much i love them.

I think the current US President has his private stash of instant mee goreng hidden from the rest of the world.

When I wake up in the morning, i thank God i'm still alive.

My past is worth remembering.

I get annoyed when people take me as an idiot one time too many

My dog is 100% cotton.

My cat is at www.neopets.com, unfed, unwanted and forgotten.

Kisses are the best given to my parents and the stuff i have on my bed.

Tomorrow is a brand new day!

I really want to play my violin.

I have low tolerance for people who bully my friends.

ah well... for those who thought the previous post about my pet fish and i was mildly disturbing, destroy that image from your head, its unhealthy to keep it in.
remind me to include a warning message the next time i want to share my dreams on this blog. they tend to be really graphic. heh..
another day gone.. am feeling so tired and drained.. nothing much happened. my attempt to go all 自闭 failed horribly, thanks to the guys who made me high for the rest of the day. gah..
fell asleep on the bus on the way home.. opened my eyes and alighted immediately after seeing the other people alight. the bus stop looked vaguely familiar.
and then it turned out i've alighted 7 stops too early. what an idiot. why do they build the same bus stops everywhere?
reached home eventually at 8pm. took me 2 hours to get home, what the hell!
everytime i fall asleep on the bus, i'll wake up staring at a puddle of drool on my hand..
then i'll think "SHIT. DID I SNORE, TOO?"

darn. i think i did. (:

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